356.031. The general and business corporation law ofMissouri, chapter 351, RSMo, shall be applicable to aprofessional corporation organized pursuant to sections 356.011to 356.261, and to the extent chapter 351, RSMo, relates toforeign corporations generally, chapter 351, RSMo, shall beapplicable to a foreign professional corporation subject tosections 356.011 to 356.261. All provisions of chapter 351,RSMo, relating to the administration, enforcement, interpretationor amendment of chapter 351, RSMo, shall be applicable tosections 356.011 to 356.261; except that, in all cases in whichthe provisions of sections 356.011 to 356.261 are contrary orinconsistent to the provisions of chapter 351, RSMo, theprovisions of sections 356.011 to 356.261 shall take precedenceover such provisions of chapter 351, RSMo. The provisions ofsections 356.011 to 356.261 shall take precedence over any lawthat prohibits a corporation from rendering any type ofprofessional service.
(L. 1986 H.B. 1230)