356.041. 1. One or more natural persons, each of whom islicensed to render the same type of professional service withinthis state, may incorporate a professional corporation topractice that same type of professional service by filingarticles of incorporation with the secretary of state; exceptthat, if more than one type of professional service is permittedto be practiced by the professional corporation pursuant to theprovisions of sections 356.011 to 356.261, then one or morenatural persons so licensed to practice any of the permittedprofessional services may act as incorporators, and theprofessional corporation may be incorporated to practice all ofthe professional services permitted to be practiced by oneprofessional corporation.
2. The articles of incorporation shall set forth as itspurpose the type or types of professional service to be practicedthrough the professional corporation; shall state the streetaddress of its initial principal place of business, if any; andshall otherwise meet the requirements of chapter 351, RSMo. Acertificate by the licensing authority of the profession, or ofeach of the professions involved if more than one profession isto be practiced, shall be filed in the office of the secretary ofstate prior to issuance of the articles of incorporation, whichcertificate or certificates shall state that each of theincorporators is duly licensed in this state to practice aprofessional service for which the corporation is organized topractice, that at least one incorporator is licensed in thisstate to practice each professional service for which thecorporation is organized to practice; if applicable, that theprofessional services for which the corporation is organized topractice are permitted to be practiced together in one corporateentity by the licensing authority of each such professionalservice; and that the proposed corporate name has been approvedby each such licensing authority if required by the rules orregulations of the licensing authority.
3. Any amendment to the articles of incorporation of aprofessional corporation that changes the corporate name of thecorporation shall be accompanied by, and the certificate ofamendment shall make reference to, the attachment of acertificate by the licensing authority of the profession, or ofeach of the professions involved if more than one profession isto be practiced, approving the change of corporate name and theuse of the new corporate name by the professional corporation, inaddition to fulfilling all other requirements for the amendmentto articles of incorporation stated in chapter 351, RSMo.
4. Each licensing authority is hereby authorized topromulgate rules that set reasonable fees for the issuance of thecertificate that is required pursuant to this section.
(L. 1986 H.B. 1230)