356.071. The name of a professional corporation or of a foreignprofessional corporation authorized to transact business in this stateshall:
(1) Contain the words "Professional Corporation" or the abbreviation"P.C." and the corporation shall identify itself with such designation inthe course of rendering any professional service;
(2) Not contain any word or phrase that indicates or implies that itis organized for any purpose other than the purposes contained in itsarticles of incorporation;
(3) Be distinguishable from (as the preceding standards may bedefined at the time of incorporation or qualification in or under thegeneral and business corporation law of Missouri, chapter 351, RSMo) thename of any domestic corporation existing under the laws of this state orany foreign corporation authorized to transact business in this state, or aname the exclusive right to which is, at such time, reserved in the mannerprovided in the general and business corporation law of Missouri, chapter351, RSMo, the not-for-profit corporation law, chapter 355, RSMo, theuniform limited partnership law, chapter 359, RSMo, the uniform partnershiplaw relating to registered limited liability partnerships and limitedliability limited partnerships, chapter 358, RSMo, or the limited liabilitycompany act, chapter 347, RSMo, or the name of an entity that has in effecta registration of its corporate name under either chapter 347, 351, 355,358, or 359, RSMo, or any other business entity organized, reserved, orregistered under the laws of this state; except that, this provision shallnot apply if:
(a) Such similarity results from the use in the corporate name of theprofessional corporation or foreign professional corporation personal namesof its shareholders or former shareholders; or
(b) The applicant files with the secretary of state either of thefollowing:
a. If the name is the same, a change whereby a word is added to makesuch name distinguishable from the name of such other corporation, limitedpartnership or limited liability company; or
b. A certified copy of a final decree of a court of competentjurisdiction establishing the prior right of the applicant to the use ofsuch name in this state; and
(4) Otherwise conform to any rule promulgated by any licensingauthority having jurisdiction over a professional service described in thearticles of incorporation of such corporation.
(L. 1986 H.B. 1230, A.L. 1993 S.B. 66 & 20, A.L. 2004 H.B. 1664)