358.060. 1. A "partnership" is an association of two or more personsto carry on as co-owners a business for profit and includes, for allpurposes of the laws of this state, a registered limited liabilitypartnership.
2. But any association formed under any other statute of this state,or any statute adopted by authority, other than the authority of this stateor pursuant to an agreement governed by the laws of another state, is not apartnership under this chapter, unless such association would have been apartnership in this state prior to the adoption of this chapter; but thischapter shall apply to limited partnerships except insofar as the statutesrelating to such partnerships are inconsistent herewith.
(L. 1949 p. 506 ยง 6, A.L. 1995 H.B. 558)(1961) Partnership between minor and another held valid until rescinded by the minor after reaching maturity. Huffman v. Bates (A.), 348 S.W.2d 363.
(1965) Facts held to support a finding of partnership or joint venture. Allison v. Dilsaver (A.), 387 S.W.2d 206.