359.651. The secretary of state shall charge the feespecified for filing the following:
(1) Certificates of limited partnership: One hundreddollars;
(2) Applications for registration of foreign limitedpartnerships and issuance of a certificate of registration totransact business in this state: One hundred dollars;
(3) Amendments to and restatements of certificates oflimited partnerships or to applications for registration offoreign limited partnerships or any other filing not otherwiseprovided for: Twenty dollars;
(4) Cancellations of certificates of limited partnershipsor of registration of foreign limited partnerships: Twentydollars;
(5) A consent required to be filed under this chapter:Twenty dollars;
(6) A change of address of registered agent, or change ofregistered agent, or both: Five dollars;
(7) A partner list: One dollar each page;
(8) Reservation of name: Twenty dollars;
(9) Rescission fee: One hundred dollars.
(L. 1985 H.B. 512 & 650, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1432)