360.110. 1. Neither sections 360.010 to 360.140 noranything in sections 360.010 to 360.140 shall be construed as arestriction or limitation upon any powers which the authoritymight otherwise have under any laws of this state, but shall beconstrued as cumulative of any such powers. Nothing in sections360.010 to 360.140 shall be construed to deprive the state andits governmental subdivisions of their respective police powersover properties of the authority or to impair any power thereoverof any official or agency of the state and its governmentalsubdivisions which otherwise may be provided by law.
2. All facilities shall be subject to the planning, zoning,sanitary, and building laws, ordinances, and regulationsapplicable to the locality in which any such facilities aresituated or are to be situated.
3. The powers conferred by sections 360.010 to 360.140 shallbe in addition and supplementary to, and the limitations imposedby sections 360.010 to 360.140 shall not affect the powersconferred by any other law. Facilities may be acquired,purchased, constructed, reconstructed, improved, bettered, andextended, and bonds may be issued under sections 360.010 to360.140 for said purposes notwithstanding the fact that any otherlaw may provide for the acquisition, purchase, construction,reconstruction, improvement, betterment, and extension of likefacilities or the issuance of bonds for like purposes, withoutregard to the requirements, restrictions, limitations, or otherprovisions contained in any other law.
(L. 1975 H.B. 70 ยงยง 20, 21, 26)