361.110. 1. The director shall keep in his office, in aplace accessible to the general public, a bulletin board uponwhich he shall cause to be posted at noon on Friday, of eachweek, a detailed statement signed by him or, in case of hisabsence from the City of Jefferson or inability to act, by thedeputy director in charge, giving the following items of generalinformation with regard to the work of the division since thepreceding statement:
(1) The name of every corporation whose articles ofagreement have been filed for examination in the office of thedirector, its location and the date of filing of such articles ofagreement;
(2) The name and location of every corporation authorized bythe director to commence or continue business, its capital,surplus and the date of authorization;
(3) The name of every proposed corporation which acertificate of incorporation has been refused by the director andthe date of notice of refusal;
(4) The name and location of every foreign corporation,whose authorization certificate or license has been revoked bythe director and the date of such revocation;
(5) The name of every corporation that has applied to thedirector for permission to open a branch office, the date of suchapplication and the location of the proposed branch;
(6) The name of every corporation that has been authorizedby the director to open a branch office, the date of approval andthe location of such branch office;
(7) The name and location of every corporation authorized bythe director to increase or reduce its capital stock or permanentcapital, the date of such authorization and the amount of theincrease or reduction;
(8) The names and locations of all corporations that havemerged pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and the datesof such mergers;
(9) The name and residence of every person appointed by thedirector as a deputy, examiner or employee in the bankingdepartment, the title of the office to which appointed, thecompensation paid and the date of appointment;
(10) The date on which a call for a quarterly report bybanks or trust companies was issued by the director and the daydesignated as the day with reference to which such report shouldbe made;
(11) The name and location of every corporation of whoseproperty and business the director shall have taken possessionand the date of taking possession, and the name and residence ofevery person appointed by the director as a special deputydirector;
(12) The name and location of every corporation which shallhave been authorized by the director to resume business and thedate of resumption;
(13) The name and location of every corporation whosecreditors or depositors have been paid in full by the directorand a meeting of whose stockholders shall have been calledtogether with the date of notice of meeting and date of meeting;
(14) The name and location of every corporation subject tothe provisions of this chapter whose affairs and business shallhave been finally liquidated and the corporation dissolved.
2. Every such statement, after having been so posted for oneweek, shall be placed on file and kept in the office of thedirector. All such statements shall be public documents and atall reasonable times shall be open to public inspection.
(RSMo 1939 § 7937)Prior revisions: 1929 § 5342; 1919 § 11725