362.145. 1. The application shall specify the name, capitaland surplus of the bank or trust company filing it, the amount ofcapital and surplus set aside for the purpose and the powersapplied for, together with the place or places where operationsare to be carried on, if the application is for permission toestablish a branch or branches, and the location of the chiefoffice of the bank or banks, corporation or corporations, if theapplication is for permission to invest in the stock of any suchbank or corporation.
2. The director shall have power to approve or reject theapplication, in whole or in part, if, for any reason, thegranting of the application is deemed inexpedient, and shall alsohave the power from time to time to increase or decrease thenumber of places where the banking operations may be carried on.
3. Every bank or trust company organized hereunder operatingforeign branches shall be required to furnish informationconcerning the condition of the branches to the director, upondemand, and the director may order a special examination of thebranches at such time or times as he may deem best.
(RSMo 1939 § 7948, A.L. 1967 p. 445)Prior revisions: 1929 § 5353; 1919 § 11736