362.425. 1. No person, except a national bank, a federalreserve bank, or a corporation duly authorized by the director totransact a banking business in this state, shall make use of anyoffice sign at the place where the business is transacted havingthereon any artificial or corporate name, or other wordsindicating that the place or office is the place or office of abank; nor shall the person or persons make use of or circulateany letterheads, billheads, blank forms, notes, receipts,certificates, circulars, or any written or printed or partlywritten and partly printed paper whatever, having thereon anyartificial or corporate name, or other word or words, indicatingthat the business is the business of a bank.
2. No person, association, firm or corporation, other than acorporation authorized by the laws of this state to do thebusiness of a trust company and subject to the supervision of thedirector as provided by law, shall make use of the words "trustcompany" as part of any artificial or corporate name or title,nor make use of any sign at the place where his or its businessis transacted, having thereon these words or any other words orword indicating that the place or office is the place or officeof a trust company, nor make use of or circulate any written orprinted, or partly printed, matter whatever having thereon thesewords or any other word or other words indicating that thebusiness conducted is that of a trust company, nor transactbusiness in such way or manner as to lead the public to believeor as in the opinion of the director might lead the public tobelieve that his or its business is that of a trust company,excepting banks who may be lawfully exercising trust companypowers.
3. Every person violating the provisions of this section,either as an individual or an interested party in anyassociation, firm or corporation, shall be punished by a fine ofnot less than one hundred dollars nor more than one thousanddollars and a further fine of fifty dollars per day for each dayafter written notice of the violation.
4. The director shall have authority to examine theaccounts, books and papers of any person, association, firm orcorporation who he has reason to suspect is violating theprovisions of this section and to summon and examine under oath,which he is empowered to administer, any person who he may havereason to believe has violated or is a participant in anyviolation of the provisions of this section.
(RSMo 1939 § 7991, A.L. 1967 p. 445)Prior revisions: 1929 § 5395; 1919 § 11774