362.450. 1. If at any time the director shall be satisfied that anyforeign corporation to which has been issued an authorization certificateor license is violating any of the provisions of this chapter, or isconducting its business in an unauthorized or unsafe manner, or is in anunsound or unsafe condition to transact its business, or cannot with safetyand expediency continue business, the director may over his or her officialsignature and seal of office notify the holder of such authorizationcertificate or license that the same is revoked.
2. Such notice shall be executed in triplicate and the director shallforthwith transmit one copy to the holder of such authorization certificateor license, file another in his or her own office and file the third in thepublic records of the division of finance.
3. The director may, in his or her discretion, publish a copy of suchnotice, with such other facts as he or she may deem proper, for sixsuccessive days, in a paper published at the City of Jefferson.
(RSMo 1939 § 7893, A.L. 2000 S.B. 896)Prior revisions: 1929 § 5299; 1919 § 11687