364.100. As used in sections 364.100 to 364.160, thefollowing terms shall mean:
(1) "Director", the director of the division of finance ofthe state of Missouri;
(2) "Person", an individual, partnership, association,business corporation, nonprofit corporation, common law trust,joint-stock company, or any other group of individuals, howeverorganized;
(3) "Premium finance agreement", an agreement by which aninsured or prospective insured promises to pay to a premiumfinance company the amount advanced or to be advanced to aninsurer or to an insurance agent or broker in payment ofpremiums of an insurance contract together with interest ordiscount and a service charge, as authorized and limited bysections 364.100 to 364.160;
(4) "Premium finance company", a person engaged in thebusiness of entering into premium finance agreements oracquiring premium finance agreements from other premium financecompanies.
(L. 1984 S.B. 636 ยง 1)