369.334. 1. Each association shall make such reports,verified if required, in such form as the director of thedivision of finance may from time to time require.
2. Each association shall be examined periodically, and maybe examined at any time, by the director, with appraisals whendeemed advisable. The director may require an audit of anyassociation at any time, such audit to be made by the director orby certified public accountants, with appraisals if deemedadvisable. Any such audit, if not made by the director, shall befiled promptly with the director. In any instance in which anappraisal is required, it shall be made by an appraiser selectedby the director and the cost thereof shall be paid by theassociation directly to the appraiser upon receipt of a statementof the cost approved by the director. A copy of the report ofeach appraisal shall be furnished to the association within areasonable time following the completion thereof, not to exceedninety days.
3. The representative of the director making an examinationor audit shall have access to all books and papers of theassociation or of any corporation in which the association ownsany capital stock, shall have power to administer oaths, take alltestimony by such person deemed necessary and proper, and maycompel the attendance of witnesses and the production of booksand papers by order of the courts of this state.
4. The director may accept, in lieu of any examinationrequired by sections 369.010 to 369.369 or of any audit requiredor permitted under sections 369.010 to 369.369 or in lieu of anyappraisal permitted under sections 369.010 to 369.369, anyreport, audit or appraisal required or made by or for the FederalDeposit Insurance Corporation or any successor thereto, theOffice of Thrift Supervision or any successor thereto or aFederal Home Loan Bank.
(L. 1971 S.B. 3 ยง 66, A.L. 1983 H.B. 570, A.L. 1994 H.B. 1165)Effective 7-6-94