374.784. 1. Applications for examination and licensure as a suretyrecovery agent shall be submitted on forms prescribed by the department andshall contain such information as the department requires, along with acopy of the front and back of a photographic identification card.
2. Each application shall be accompanied by proof satisfactory to thedirector that the applicant is a citizen of the United States, is at leasttwenty-one years of age, and has a high school diploma or a generaleducational development certificate (GED). An applicant shall furnishevidence of such person's qualifications by completing an approved suretyrecovery agent course with at least twenty-four hours of initial minimumtraining. The director shall determine which institutions, organizations,associations, and individuals shall be eligible to provide said training.Said instructions and fees associated therewith shall be identical orsimilar to those prescribed in section 374.710 for bail bond agents andgeneral bail bond agents.
3. In addition to said twenty-four hours of initial minimum training,licensees shall be required to receive eight hours of biennial continuingeducation of which said instructions and fees shall be identical or similarto those prescribed in section 374.710 for bail bond agents and generalbail bond agents.
4. Applicants for surety recovery agents licensing shall be exemptfrom said requirements of the twenty-four hours of initial minimum trainingif applicants provide proof of prior training as a law enforcement officerwith at least two years of such service within the ten years prior to theapplication being submitted to the department.
5. The director may refuse to issue any license pursuant to sections374.783 to 374.789, for any one or any combination of causes stated insection 374.787. The director shall notify the applicant in writing of thereason or reasons for refusal and shall advise the applicant of the rightto file a complaint with the administrative hearing commission to appealthe refusal as provided by chapter 621, RSMo.
(L. 2004 S.B. 1122)