375.017. 1. Unless denied licensure pursuant to section 375.141, anonresident person shall receive a nonresident producer license if:
(1) The person is currently licensed as a resident and in goodstanding in his or her home state;
(2) The person has submitted the proper request for licensure and haspaid the fees prescribed by the director;
(3) The person has submitted or transmitted to the director theapplication for licensure that the person submitted to his or her homestate, or in lieu of the same, a completed uniform application or theuniform business entity application; and
(4) The home state of the person awards nonresident producer licensesto residents of this state on the same basis.
2. The director may verify the licensing status of the nonresidentproducer through the producer database maintained by the NationalAssociation of Insurance Commissioners, its affiliates or subsidiaries orthrough any other method the director deems appropriate.
3. A nonresident producer who moves from one state to another stateor a resident producer who moves from this state to another state shallfile a change of address within thirty days of the change of legalresidence.
4. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a personlicensed as a surplus lines licensee or producer in his or her home stateshall receive a nonresident surplus lines license pursuant to subsection 1of this section. Except as provided in subsection 1 of this section,nothing in this section otherwise amends or supercedes any provision ofchapter 384, RSMo.
5. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a personlicensed as a limited line credit insurance producer or other type oflimited lines producer in his or her home state shall receive a nonresidentlimited lines producer license, pursuant to subsection 1 of this section,granting the same scope of authority as granted under the license issued bythe home state of the producer. For the purposes of this subsection,limited line insurance is any authority granted by the home state whichrestricts the authority of the license to less than the total authorityprescribed in the associated major lines pursuant to subdivisions (1) to(6) of subsection 1 of section 375.018.
6. A satisfaction by the nonresident producer of the continuingeducation requirements of his or her home state for licensed insuranceproducers shall constitute satisfaction of the continuing educationrequirements of this state if the home state of the nonresident producerrecognizes the satisfaction of its continuing education requirementsimposed upon producers from this state on the same basis. This subsectionshall also apply to surplus lines licensees licensed pursuant to chapter384, RSMo.
7. The director shall not assess a greater fee for an insuranceproducer license or related service to a person not residing in the statesolely on the fact that the person does not reside in this state. Thedirector shall waive any license application requirements for a nonresidentlicense applicant with a valid license from his or her home state, exceptthe requirements imposed by subsection 1 of this section, if theapplicant's home state awards nonresident licenses to residents of thisstate on the same basis.
(L. 1967 p. 516, A.L. 1981 S.B. 10, A.L. 2000 S.B. 896, A.L. 2001 S.B. 193)Effective 1-01-03