375.019. To assist the director to carry out the provisions ofsection 375.016, there shall be an "Advisory Board on Licensing andExamination of Insurance Producers" consisting of nine insurance producersduly licensed by the state of Missouri. An insurance producer to beeligible for service on the state board on examinations shall be a citizenof the United States and a licensed resident insurance producer. Membersof the board shall be appointed by the director. The director shallappoint four members for two-year terms and five members for three-yearterms. Membership on the board shall terminate for failure to meet any ofthe qualifications for eligibility, death, disability, inability to serveor resignation, absence from two consecutive regular meetings withoutacceptable excuse filed in writing to the board, or removal by thedirector. The board shall meet regularly at a place designated by thedirector within the state of Missouri at least annually and whenever deemednecessary by the director. At the regular meeting the board shall electofficers and transact any other such business as may properly come beforethe board. Five members shall constitute a quorum. The officers of theboard shall consist of a chairman and vice chairman elected for a term ofone year. The chairman, or in the event of his inability to serve, thevice chairman, shall preside at all meetings of the board, appointcommittees, and perform the usual duties of such office. The board shallappoint a secretary who shall be a member of the board. The secretaryshall keep correct minutes of all meetings of the board, furnishing a copyto each member and the director, mail notices of all meetings no less thanten days in advance thereof, and otherwise perform the usual duties of suchoffice. The board shall make recommendations, including, but not limitedto, the approval of any educational or trade organizations and insurancecompanies, and any other matter that pertains to the insurance producercontinuing education requirements. The board shall seek at all times tomaintain and increase the effectiveness of examinations for insuranceproducer licenses and shall advise and consult with the director withrespect to the preparation and the conduct of insurance producerexaminations. The board shall recommend such changes as may expedite orimprove any phase of the examination procedure or the method of conductingexaminations. The board shall receive suggestions regarding theexamination for consideration and discussion. The board shall make rulesand determine procedure, with the approval of the director, in reference toother matters which may properly come before a board on examinations. Eachmember of the board on beginning his or her term of office shall file withthe director a written pledge of faithful and honorable performance. Themembers of the board shall receive no compensation or expenses inconnection with the performance of their duties.
(L. 1967 p. 576 ยง 1, A.L. 1981 S.B. 10, A.L. 1984 S.B. 570, A.L. 2001 S.B. 193)Effective 1-01-03