375.1240. 1. In a liquidation proceeding begun in thisstate against an insurer domiciled in this state, claimantsresiding in foreign countries or in states which are notreciprocal states must file claims in this state, and claimantsresiding in reciprocal states may file claims either with theancillary receivers, if any, in their respective states, or withthe domiciliary liquidator. Claims must be filed on or beforethe last date fixed for the filing of claims in the domiciliaryliquidation proceedings.
2. Claims belonging to claimants residing in reciprocalstates may be proved either in the liquidation proceeding in thisstate as provided in sections 375.1150 to 375.1246, or inancillary proceedings, if any, in the reciprocal states. Ifnotice of the claims and opportunity to appear and be heard isafforded the domiciliary liquidator of this state as provided insubsection 2 of section 375.1242 with respect to ancillaryproceedings, the final allowance of claims by the courts inancillary proceedings in reciprocal states shall be conclusive asto amount and as to priority against special deposits or othersecurity located in such ancillary states, but shall not beconclusive with respect to priorities against general assets asprovided in section 375.1218.
(L. 1991 H.B. 385, et al. ยง 104)