375.470. If said director or his deputy shall willfullyfail, refuse or neglect to faithfully keep, deposit, account orsurrender, in the manner by law authorized or required, any suchsecurities as aforesaid, transferred to and received by him orinto his custody, under the provisions of law, such directorshall be responsible upon his official bond, and suit may bebrought upon said bond by any person injured; and said directoror his deputy so offending shall, upon conviction thereof, beadjudged guilty of a felony, and punished by a fine not exceedingten thousand dollars, and by imprisonment in the statepenitentiary for not less than two or more than ten years; andfor any other willful violation or failure or neglect to performany duty prescribe by law, and pertaining to his office, saiddirector or his deputy, upon conviction thereof, shall be deemedguilty of a misdemeanor, and punished by a fine not exceeding onethousand dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail notexceeding twelve months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
(RSMo 1939 § 6044)Prior revisions: 1929 § 5933; 1919 § 6341; 1909 § 7071