375.620. 1. If the case is referred, the referee or mastershall forthwith proceed to hear the same, and shall file hisreport within ten days after the conclusion of the testimony.
2. Any referee or master failing to at once proceed withthe hearing, or to file his report within the time aforesaid, maybe removed by the court, in which case he shall not receive anypay or allowance whatever for his services; and the court maythereupon hear the case or appoint a new referee or master. Thefees of the referee or master shall be taxed and paid as costs inthe case.
3. Exceptions to the report of the referee or master may befiled by either party. If no exceptions are filed within threedays after the report is presented to the court, it shall beconfirmed, and judgment entered thereon.
(RSMo 1939 § 6056, A.L. 1992 H.B. 1574)Prior revisions: 1929 § 5945; 1919 § 6353; 1909 § 7083