375.871. 1. Any foreign insurance company admitted to dobusiness in this state may withdraw from this state by filingwith the director a statement of withdrawal, signed and verifiedby a president, vice president or an executive officercorresponding thereto, or in the case of a reciprocal, by theattorney in fact, and setting forth:
(1) That the company surrenders its authority to transactbusiness in this state and returns for cancellation itscertificate of authority;
(2) Except in the case of a reciprocal, that the withdrawalof the company from this state has been duly authorized by theboard of directors, trustees or other governing body of thecompany; and
(3) A post-office address to which the director may mail acopy of any process against the withdrawing company that may beserved upon him.
2. Upon the filing of the statement together with itscertificate of authority with the director and payment of anytaxes or charges that may be due, the director shall cancel thecertificate of authority and return the canceled certificate tothe company. The authority of the company to transact businessin this state shall thereupon cease.
(L. 1967 p. 516)