375.901. 1. Foreign companies admitted to do business inthis state shall make contracts of insurance with persons in thisstate only by lawfully constituted and licensed agents andbrokers.
2. Any insurance company who violates any provision of thissection shall suffer a revocation of its authority by thedirector to do business in this state, in addition to the penaltyprescribed in section 375.310, the revocation to be for the termof one year.
3. No countersignature of a resident agent or broker isrequired on policies or contracts for insurance solicited bynonresident agents or brokers licensed by this state, unless thestate of residence of the nonresident agent or broker imposes acountersignature requirement on policies or contracts solicitedby residents of this state. If the state of residence of thenonresident agent or broker imposes such a countersignaturerequirement, then the policies or contracts solicited by thenonresident agent or broker in this state must be countersignedby a licensed agent or broker who is a legal resident ofMissouri.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 6013, A.L. 1961 p. 167, A.L. 1967 p. 516, A.L. 1981 S.B. 10, A.L. 1989 H.B. 615 & 563)