376.110. Whenever the corporators have filed the declarationrequired by section 376.050 and also proof of the publicationtherein required by the affidavit of the publisher of thenewspaper in which the publication was made, his foreman orclerk, with the director, the director shall submit thedeclaration to the attorney general of this state forexamination, and if he finds it is in accordance with theprovisions of sections 376.010 to 376.670, and not inconsistentwith the constitution and laws of this state, and of the UnitedStates, he shall so certify and deliver it back to the director.The director shall cause the said declaration and affidavit withthe certificate of the attorney general, to be recorded in a bookkept for that purpose and furnish a certified copy of the same tothe corporators, and also file a certified copy of the same withthe secretary of state, who, upon payment to the director ofrevenue of the sum of seventy-five dollars, shall issue acertificate of incorporation, upon the receipt of which theybecome a body politic and corporate, and may proceed to organizein the manner set forth in their charter, and to open books andreceive proposals and agreements for assurance and premiums forthe same on deposit, and issue receipts therefor, and to keepsuch books open until the whole amount specified in its charteris received. It is not lawful for such company to issue policiesor transact any business of any kind, except as aforesaid, untilit fully complies with the requirements of sections 376.120,376.130 and 376.290.
(RSMo 1939 § 5809, A.L. 1957 p. 212)Prior revisions: 1929 § 5699; 1919 § 6110; 1909 § 6904