376.1510. A discount medical plan organization shall not:
(1) Use in its advertisements, marketing material, brochures, anddiscount cards the terms "health plan", "coverage", "co-pay","co-payments", "preexisting conditions", "guaranteed issue", "premium","PPO", "preferred provider organization", or other terms in a manner thatcould reasonably mislead a person to believe that the discount medical planis health insurance;
(2) Except for hospital services, have restrictions on free access toplan providers including waiting periods and notification periods;
(3) Pay providers any fees for medical services;
(4) Collect or accept money from a member for payment to a providerfor specific medical services furnished or to be furnished to the member,unless the organization is licensed by the director to act as anadministrator; or
(5) Except as otherwise provided in sections 376.1500 to 376.1532, asa disclaimer of any relationship between discount medical plan benefits andinsurance, or as a description of an insurance product connected with adiscount medical plan, use in its advertisements, marketing material,brochures, and discount cards the term "insurance".
(L. 2007 H.B. 818 merged with S.B. 66)Effective 8-28-07 (S.B. 66)
1-01-08 (H.B. 818)