376.1512. 1. The following disclosures, to be printed in bold and innot less than twelve-point type, shall be made in writing to anyprospective member and shall appear on the first page or first content pageof any advertisements, marketing materials or brochures relating to adiscount medical plan:
(1) The plan is not insurance;
(2) The plan provides discounts with certain health care providersfor medical services;
(3) The plan does not make payments directly to the providers ofmedical services;
(4) The plan member is obligated to pay for all health care servicesbut will receive a discount from those health care providers who havecontracted with the discount plan organization; and
(5) The name and the location of the registered discount medical planorganization, including the current telephone number of the registereddiscount medical plan organization or other entity responsible for customerservice for the plan, if different from the registered discount medicalplan organization.
2. If the discount medical plan is sold, marketed, or solicited bytelephone, the disclosures required by this section shall be made orallyand provided in the initial written materials that describe the benefitsunder the discount medical plan provided to the prospective or new member.
3. Each discount card or any other plan identifier issued to a planmember shall state in bold and prominent type on the front face of the cardthat "THIS IS NOT INSURANCE".
(L. 2007 H.B. 818 merged with S.B. 66)Effective 8-28-07 (S.B. 66)
1-01-08 (H.B. 818)