376.502. 1. No life insurance company doing business within thisstate shall deny or refuse to accept an application for life insurance,refuse to renew, cancel, restrict, or otherwise terminate a policy of lifeinsurance, or charge a different rate for the same life insurance coverage,based upon the applicant's or insured's past or future lawful traveldestinations. Nothing in this section shall prohibit a life insurancecompany from denying an application for life insurance, or restricting orcharging a different premium or rate for coverage under such a policy basedon a specific travel destination where the denial, restriction, or ratedifferential is based upon sound actuarial principles or is related toactual or reasonably anticipated experience.
2. A violation of the provisions of this section shall be unfairtrade practice as defined by sections 375.930 to 375.948, RSMo, and shallbe governed by and subject to all of the provisions and penalties providedby such sections.
3. The provisions of this section shall apply to any life insurancepolicy issued or renewed on or after August 28, 2009.
(L. 2009 H.B. 577 merged with S.B. 126)