376.889. 1. If the director determines that a person has engaged, isengaging in, or has taken a substantial step toward engaging in an act,practice or course of business constituting a violation of sections 376.850to 376.890 or a rule adopted or order issued pursuant thereto, or that aperson has materially aided or is materially aiding an act, practice,omission, or course of business constituting a violation of sections376.850 to 376.890 or a rule adopted or order issued pursuant thereto, thedirector may issue such administrative orders as authorized under section374.046, RSMo. A violation of any of these sections is a level twoviolation under section 374.049, RSMo.
2. If the director believes that a person has engaged, is engagingin, or has taken a substantial step toward engaging in an act, practice orcourse of business constituting a violation of sections 376.850 to 376.890or a rule adopted or order issued pursuant thereto, or that a person hasmaterially aided or is materially aiding an act, practice, omission, orcourse of business constituting a violation of sections 376.850 to 376.890or a rule adopted or order issued pursuant thereto, the director maymaintain a civil action for relief authorized under section 374.048, RSMo.A violation of any of these sections is a level two violation under section374.049, RSMo.
(L. 1989 H.B. 615 & 563, A.L. 1992 H.B. 1574, A.L. 2007 S.B. 66)