376.935. 1. Upon receipt of a completed application for acertificate of authority and exhibits and payment of the fee bythe applicant, and proof of compliance by the applicant with theprovisions of sections 376.940 and 376.945, the department shallissue a certificate of authority to the provider subject to theconditions imposed pursuant to sections 376.940 and 376.945allowing the provider to enter into life care contracts withrespect to the number of living units and facility described inthe application for a certificate of authority.
2. A certificate of authority issued under this section,unless sooner revoked, shall be issued for a period of one year.
3. A certificate of authority issued pursuant to thissection shall contain, in a prominent location, a statement thatthe issuance of a certificate of authority pursuant to thissection does not constitute approval, recommendation, orendorsement by the department, nor does such a certificate ofauthority evidence the accuracy or completeness of theinformation set out in the application or the annual report ofthe provider.
4. All certificates of authority shall be nontransferable.
(L. 1981 S.B. 84 ยง 5)