376.990. The board of directors of the state health insurance pool ishereby directed to conduct a study regarding the financing of the statehealth insurance pool. Such study shall include, but not be limited to,research and findings of how other states finance their state high-riskpools. The study shall consider alternative assessment approaches to thecurrent assessment method employed in section 376.975. In addition tostudying alternative financing mechanisms employed by other state high-riskpools, the board shall explore the ramifications of eliminating or reducinga carrier's ability to offset their assessments against their premium taxliability. The polestar of the study shall be establishing a stablefunding source for the Missouri state health insurance pool while providingadequate health insurance coverage to Missouri's uninsurable population.The board of directors of the state health insurance pool shall submit areport of its findings and recommendations to each member of the generalassembly no later than January 1, 2008.
(L. 2007 H.B. 818)