377.180. Nothing in sections 377.010 to 377.190 shall be soconstrued as to impair or in any manner to interfere with any ofthe rights or privileges of any corporation, association ororganization doing a life or casualty insurance business in thisstate under the laws as they now exist; nor as applicable toorganizations which conduct their business as fraternal societieson the lodge system, and limit their certificate holders to aparticular order or fraternity, or to fraternal beneficiarysocieties which provide for the relief and benefit of its membersor the families, widows, orphans or other kindred dependents ofdeceased members, or assist such as may be sick or disabled, fromthe proceeds of assessments upon members of such society orassociation, and, to that end, issue to its members beneficialcertificates, payable at such time and in such manner as shall betherein provided.
(RSMo 1939 § 5868)Prior revisions: 1929 § 5757; 1919 § 6167; 1909 § 6962