377.360. 1. No corporation, company or associationtransacting business under the provisions of sections 377.200 to377.460 shall make any discrimination in favor of holders of thesame kind of policies, or persons of the same expectation oflife, neither in the amount of premiums charged nor in any returnof premiums, dividends or other advantages.
2. No agent of such corporation shall make any contract forinsurance or agreement as to such contract, other than that whichis plainly expressed in the policy issued.
3. If it shall appear to the satisfaction of the director orother official charged with the supervision of insurance matters,that any corporation, company or association is issuing policiesor contracts that are in violation of this section, he shallreport the same to the attorney general, who shall require suchcorporation and its officers and agents within thirty days torefrain from issuing any such policy or contract.
4. If any corporation or officer or agent thereof shall failto comply with the provisions of this section and with the demandof the attorney general, that officer shall at once institutesuch proceedings at law as may be necessary to restrain suchviolation of this section.
(RSMo 1939 § 5888)Prior revisions: 1929 § 5777; 1919 § 6187; 1909 § 6981
Discrimination and rebates prohibited, penalty, RSMo 376.500, 376.510