377.420. When any state, territory or foreign country shallimpose any obligations upon any such corporation of this state,or their agents transacting business in such other state,territory or foreign country, the like obligations are herebyimposed upon similar corporations of such other state, territoryor foreign country, their agents or representatives transactingbusiness in this state; and such corporation, company,association or society of such other state, territory or foreigncountry, and its agents and representatives shall pay alllicenses, fees or penalties to, and make deposits with thedirector of insurance imposed by the laws of such other state,territory or foreign country upon any corporation of this statedoing business therein; and in case of failure to pay the same,the director shall refuse the certificate of authority hereinprovided for or cancel such certificate, if one shall have beenpreviously issued.
(RSMo 1939 § 5890)Prior revisions: 1929 § 5779; 1919 § 6189; 1909 § 6983