379.105. 1. It shall be the duty of the president or vice president andsecretary or a majority of the directors of every insurance company organizedpursuant to sections 379.010 to 379.160, or the laws of this state, or of theUnited States or any other state of the United States, doing the businessmentioned in section 379.010 annually, on the first day of January, or withinsixty days thereafter, to prepare under oath and deposit in the office of thedirector of the department of insurance, financial institutions andprofessional registration a statement made up for the year ending thethirty-first day of December next preceding, showing:
(1) The amount of capital stock of the company, if it be a joint stockcompany, or if it be a mutual company, the amount of the face of the premiumnotes held by it, and the amount thereof remaining unpaid, specifying theamount constituting liens on property, and the amount of guarantee fund, ifthe company has such fund;
(2) The property or assets held by the company, specifying:
(a) The value of the real estate held by such company;
(b) The amount of cash on hand or deposited in banks to the credit ofthe company, specifying in what banks the same is deposited;
(c) The amount of cash in the hands of agents, and in the course oftransmission;
(d) The amount of loans secured by bonds and mortgages or by deeds oftrust;
(e) The amount of notes and bills receivable, matured and remainingunpaid;
(f) The amount of notes and bills receivable maturing;
(g) The amount of other securities held by the company specifying whatthey are and their cash value;
(h) The amount of debts considered bad or doubtful;
(3) The liabilities of the company, as follows:
(a) The amount due or to become due to banks or other creditors;
(b) Losses adjusted and due;
(c) Losses adjusted and not due;
(d) Losses unadjusted and in suspense and awaiting further proofs;
(e) Premium reserved or amount required to safely reinsure alloutstanding risks, to be estimated by taking fifty percent of the grosspremiums on all unexpired fire risks that have less than one year to run, anda pro rata of all gross premiums on risks that have more than one year to run,with fifty percent of the gross premiums on all unexpired inland navigationrisks, and the whole amount of the gross premiums on all unexpired marinerisks, and a pro rata of all gross premiums on all other risks;
(f) All other claims against the company;
(4) Greatest amount insured in any one risk;
(5) The number of agents employed in this state or other states;
(6) The amount of outstanding risks and gross premiums received andreceivable thereon at the date of each statement;
(7) The amount of receipts from all sources, and amount of expendituresfor all purposes, including dividends for the last fiscal year preceding thedate of the statement; and
(8) A statement of any other facts or information concerning the affairsof said company which may be required by the director.
2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary,information regarding compensation of any employee or officer contained withina statement required to be filed pursuant to this section shall not be subjectto disclosure to any person other than employees of the department.
(RSMo 1939 § 5923, A.L. 1967 p. 516, A.L. 2000 S.B. 896)Prior revisions: 1929 § 5812; 1919 § 6222; 1909 § 7013