379.122. 1. No insurer shall refuse to write a policy for anapplicant or base an adverse underwriting decision solely on the fact thatthe applicant has never purchased such a policy of motor vehicle insurancewhere the lack of motor vehicle insurance coverage is due to the applicantserving in the armed services and the applicant has not operated a motorvehicle in violation of any financial responsibility or compulsoryinsurance requirement within the past twelve months.
2. No insurer shall refuse to write a policy for an applicant or basean adverse underwriting decision solely on the fact that the applicant hasnot owned or been covered by such a policy of motor vehicle insuranceduring any specified period immediately preceding the date of applicationwhere the lack of motor vehicle insurance coverage is due to the applicantserving in the armed services and the applicant has not operated a motorvehicle in violation of any financial responsibility or compulsoryinsurance requirement within the past twelve months. Nothing in thissubsection shall prohibit an insurer from giving a discount for such anapplicant that has been covered by a policy of insurance during such aspecified period.
3. Nothing in this section shall prohibit an insurer from basing anadverse underwriting decision on an applicant's previous driving recordwhere such record indicates that the applicant is a substandard risk.
4. In order to establish compliance with this section, an insurer mayrequire any applicant claiming to meet the criteria of subsection 1 or 2 ofthis section to provide proof of eligibility in a manner as the insurer mayprescribe.
(L. 2001 S.B. 151)*Transferred 2004; formerly 379.126