379.1356. No provision of the Missouri insurance laws, other thanthose specifically referenced in sections 379.1353 to 379.1421 apply to aSPLRC, its operations, assets, investments and SPLRC contracts. In theevent of a conflict between a provision of the Missouri insurance laws andsections 379.1353 to 379.1421, the provisions of sections 379.1353 to379.1421 shall control as to the SPLRC and its operations, assets,dividends, SPLRC contracts, and surplus notes and investments. Thedirector may exempt all, or any one, SPLRC by rule or order from theprovisions of sections 379.1353 to 379.1421 that he or she determines to beinappropriate, but may not expand the application of the Missouri insurancelaws, except as specifically provided for in sections 379.1353 to 379.1421.
(L. 2007 S.B. 215)