379.351. 1. The director shall approve reasonable rules andstatistical plans, reasonably adapted to each of the ratingsystems on file with him, which may be modified from time to timeand which shall be used thereafter by each insurer in therecording and reporting of its loss and countrywide expenseexperience, in order that the experience of all insurers may bemade available at least annually. Such rules and plans may alsoprovide for the recording and reporting of expense experienceitems which are specially applicable to this state and are notsusceptible of determination by a prorating of countrywideexpense experience. In approving such rules and plans, thedirector shall give due consideration to the rating systems onfile with him and, in order that such rules and plans may be asuniform as is practicable among the several states, to the rulesand to the form of the plans used for such rating systems inother states. No insurer shall be required to record or reportits loss experience on a classification basis that isinconsistent with the rating system filed by it. The directormay designate rating organizations or other agencies, or both, toassist him in gathering such experience and making compilationsthereof, and such compilations shall be made available, subjectto reasonable rules approved by the director, to insurers andadvisory and rating organizations.
2. In order to further uniform administration of rateregulatory laws, the director and every insurer, ratingorganization, advisory organization or statistical agency mayexchange information and experience data with insurancesupervisory officials, insurers, rating organizations, advisoryorganizations or statistical agencies in this and other states,and may consult with them with respect to ratemaking and theapplication of rating systems.
3. The director may make reasonable rules and regulationsnecessary to effect the purposes of this section.
(L. 1972 S.B. 547 ยง 16)