379.750. 1. Each attorney by whom or through whom are issued anypolicies of or contracts for indemnity of the character referred to insections 379.650 to 379.790 shall procure from the director of the departmentof insurance, financial institutions and professional registration annually acertificate of authority, stating that all of the requirements of the sectionshave been complied with, and upon compliance and the payment of the feesrequired by those sections the director of the department of insurance,financial institutions and professional registration shall issue thecertificate of authority.
2. The director of the department of insurance, financial institutionsand professional registration may revoke or suspend any certificate ofauthority issued hereunder in case of breach of any of the conditions imposedby sections 379.650 to 379.790 after reasonable notice has been given theattorney, in writing, so that he may appear and show cause why action shouldnot be taken.
3. Any attorney who may have procured a certificate of authorityhereunder shall renew same annually as of July first thereafter; provided,however, that any certificate of authority shall continue in full force andeffect until the new certificate of authority be issued or specificallyrefused.
(RSMo 1939 § 6087, A.L. 1967 p. 516, A.L. 1969 3d Ex. Sess. H.B. 21)Prior revisions: 1929 § 5975; 1919 § 6383
Effective 1-1-71