382.270. Whenever it appears to the director that anyinsurer or any director, officer, employee or agent thereof hascommitted a willful violation of sections 382.010 to 382.300, thedirector may cause criminal proceedings to be instituted in thecircuit court for the county in which the principal office of theinsurer is located or if such insurer has no such office in thestate, then by the attorney general against such insurer or theresponsible director, officer, employee or agent thereof. Anyinsurer which is convicted of willfully violating sections382.010 to 382.300 may be fined not more than ten thousanddollars. Any individual who is convicted of willfully violatingsections 382.010 to 382.300 may be fined not more than threethousand dollars, or if such willful violation involves thedeliberate perpetration of a fraud upon the director, he may beimprisoned for not more than two years or by both such fine andimprisonment.
(L. 1971 S.B. 101 ยง 30)