383.500. 1. Beginning on January 1, 1987, any physician orsurgeon who is on the medical staff of any hospital located in acounty which has a population of more than seventy-five thousandinhabitants shall, as a condition to his admission to orretention on the hospital medical staff, furnish satisfactoryevidence of a medical malpractice insurance policy of at leastfive hundred thousand dollars. The provisions of this sectionshall not apply to physicians or surgeons who:
(1) Limit their practice exclusively to patients seen ortreated at the hospital; and
(2) Are insured exclusively under the hospital's policy ofinsurance or the hospital's self-insurance program.
2. This section shall not in any way limit or restrict theauthority of any hospital in this state to issue rules orregulations requiring physicians or other health careprofessionals to carry minimum levels of professional liabilityinsurance as a condition of membership on a hospital medicalstaff.
(L. 1986 S.B. 663 ยง 3)