385.210. 1. An administrator, provider, or other intermediary shallkeep accurate accounts, books, and records concerning transactionsregulated by sections 385.200 to 385.220.
2. An administrator's, provider's, or other intermediary's accounts,books, and records shall include:
(1) Copies of each type of motor vehicle extended service contractissued;
(2) The name and address of each service holder to the extent thatthe name and address have been furnished by the service contract holder;
(3) A list of the provider locations where motor vehicle extendedservice contracts are marketed, sold, or offered for sale; and
(4) Claims files that shall contain at least the dates, amounts, anddescription of all receipts, claims, and expenditures related to the motorvehicle extended service contracts.
3. Except as provided in this section, an administrator shall retainall records pertaining to each motor vehicle extended service contractholder for at least three years after the specified period of coverage hasexpired.
4. An administrator, provider, or other intermediary may keep allrecords required under sections 385.200 to 385.220 on a computer disk orother similar technology. If an administrator, provider, or otherintermediary maintains records in other than hard copy, records shall beaccessible from a computer terminal available to the director and becapable of duplication to legible hard copy.
5. An administrator, provider, or other intermediary discontinuingbusiness in this state shall maintain its records until it furnishes thedirector satisfactory proof that it has discharged all obligations tocontract holders in this state.
6. An administrator, provider, or other intermediary shall make allaccounts, books, and records concerning transactions regulated pursuant tosections 385.200 to 385.220 or other pertinent laws available to thedirector upon request.
(L. 2007 H.B. 221)Effective 1-01-08