385.406. 1. No vehicle protection product may be sold or offered forsale in this state unless the seller, warrantor, and administrator, if any,comply with the provisions of sections 385.400 to 385.436.
2. Vehicle protection product warrantors and related vehicle protectionproduct sellers and warranty administrators complying with sections 385.400 to385.436 are not required to comply with and are not subject to any otherprovisions of the state insurance code.
3. Service contract providers who do not sell vehicle protectionproducts are not subject to the requirements of sections 385.400 to 385.436and sales of vehicle protection products are exempt from the requirements ofsections 385.200 to 385.220.
4. Warranties, indemnity agreements, and guarantees that are notprovided as a part of a vehicle protection product are not subject to theprovisions of sections 385.400 to 385.436.
5. Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 408.140 and 408.233, RSMo,a business which is licensed and regulated under sections 367.100 to 367.215,RSMo, or sections 367.500 to 367.533, RSMo, may offer and sell servicecontracts, as defined in sections 385.200, 385.300, and 385.403, inconjunction with other transactions so long as such business complies with allother requirements of this chapter.
(L. 2008 S.B. 930 & 947)Effective 1-01-09