388.110. It shall be unlawful to elect or appoint any personto any office of profit or trust, or for such person to hold suchoffice or appointment, in any railroad corporation established byany law of this state, who is a stockholder, owner or part ownerof any express, dispatch, fast freight or transportation company,whether incorporated or not, which has for its object, or one ofits objects, the shipment of freight or transportation of personsover said railroad, or any railroad in direct connectiontherewith, or who is in any way pecuniarily interested in anycompany or copartnership formed for any such or like purpose; andall persons interested in aforesaid are hereby declaredineligible for any such office or appointment.
(RSMo 1939 § 5146)Prior revisions: 1929 § 4673; 1919 § 9863; 1909 § 3062