388.330. Every railroad company shall, before constructingany part of its road into or through any county named in itsarticles of association, and every company heretofore formed andnow operating roads in any county in this state, shall make aprofile map or maps of the route intended to be or alreadyadopted by such company in such county, which map or maps shallshow the actual survey, location and distance of the roadbedthrough the congressional sections through which such road runs,and also the location and number of miles of main and sidetracksof such road in such county, and which map or maps shall becertified by the president and engineer of the company or amajority of the directors, and filed in the office of the clerkof the county commission of the county in which the road is to beor has been made. The company shall give written notice to allactual occupants of the land over which the route of the road isso designated, and which has not been purchased by or given tothe company.
(RSMo 1939 § 5158)Prior revisions: 1929 § 4685; 1919 § 9875; 1909 § 3074