388.380. The right-of-way is hereby granted to any railroadcompany through any unimproved land belonging to this state,through which their railroad may pass; and in case any more landbelonging to this state shall be required for the purpose of anyrailroad corporation than is needed for the track of the road,and in case any improved land belonging to the state shall benecessary for the purpose of any railroad corporation, thesecretary of state shall have power to grant to any railroadcompany any land belonging to this state which may be requiredfor the purposes of their road, on such terms as may be agreed onbetween said secretary of state and said company; or such companymay acquire title thereto by appraisal, as in the case of landowned by individuals; and if any land belonging to a county, cityor town is required by any company for the purposes of theirroad, the county or city or town officers having charge of suchland may grant to such company, on such terms as may be agreedupon, or the land may be appraised in the manner aforesaid.
(RSMo 1939 § 5154)Prior revisions: 1929 § 4681; 1919 § 9871; 1909 § 3070