388.390. In case any title or interest in real estaterequired by any company formed under this chapter for the purposeof its incorporation shall be vested in any trustee notauthorized to sell, release and convey the same, or in any infantor mentally or physically disabled person, the probate divisionof the circuit court shall have power by a summary proceeding onpetition to authorize and empower such trustee or the conservatorof such infant or mentally or physically disabled person, to selland convey the same to such company, for the purposes of itsincorporation, on such terms as may be just; and in case any suchinfant or disabled person is not in charge of such court orconservator, the court may appoint a guardian ad litem for thepurpose of making such sale, release or conveyance, and mayrequire such security from such guardian ad litem as the courtmay deem proper. But before any conveyance or release,authorized by this section, shall be executed, the terms on whichthe same is to be executed shall be reported to the court onoath; and if the court is satisfied that such terms are just tothe parties interested in such real estate, the court shallconfirm the report and direct the proper conveyance or release tobe executed, which shall have the same effect as if executed byan owner of the land, having legal power to sell and convey thesame.
(RSMo 1939 § 5155, A.L. 1983 S.B. 44 & 45)Prior revisions: 1929 § 4682; 1919 § 9872; 1909 § 3071