388.410. In case lands sought to be appropriated by anyrailroad company in this state for depot purposes belong toprivate persons, and such company and the owner cannot agree onthe compensation to be paid, or in case the owner is incapable ofcontracting, be unknown or a nonresident of the state, suchcompany may have such lands condemned in the manner that isprovided in chapter 523, RSMo, for assessing damages which theowners of lands may severally sustain in consequence of theerection, establishment and maintenance of railroads over suchlands; provided, that in no case shall more than ten acres ofland in the country or more than six blocks in a town, village orcity, be condemned under chapter 523, RSMo, at any one place, orfor any one depot; and provided further, that any other railroadcompany shall have the right to use said depot grounds for depotpurposes with the necessary buildings, turnouts, sidings,switches and other conveniences in furtherance of said purpose;and if the said two companies cannot agree upon the amount ofcompensation to be made therefor, or the points or manner of suchuse, the same shall be ascertained and determined bycommissioners, as provided by law for the condemnation of landfor railroad purposes.
(RSMo 1939 § 1513)Prior revisions: 1929 § 1349; 1919 § 1800; 1909 § 2369