389.300. 1. Every railroad corporation organized or doingbusiness under the laws of this state, or by the authoritythereof, shall receive and deliver all grain or other freightconsigned to its care for transportation at the crossings andjunctions of all other railroads, canals and navigable rivers;and shall, at all cities and at all towns along the line of theirrailroad having a population of two hundred inhabitants or more,construct and maintain switches and freight houses for thereceipt and delivery of grain and other freight that may betendered to such railroad for transportation; and shall stop atleast one train daily thereat to receive and unload freight. Andwhenever in the opinion of the motor carrier and railroad safety divisionof the department of economic development of this state the amount ofbusiness is such as to require the same, such railroad, after duenotice from such motor carrier and railroad safety division of thedepartment of economic development to do so, shall maintain a freightagent at such station for the purpose of receiving and delivering freight.
2. Any railroad corporation failing or refusing to complywith the provisions of this section, after thirty days' noticegiven, shall be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor and shall befined in the sum of ten dollars, to be recovered by indictment orinformation in any court having jurisdiction thereof, and eachday that said railroad corporation shall so fail or refuse tocomply with the provisions of this section after the expirationof thirty days after such notice, shall constitute a separateoffense.
(RSMo 1939 § 5229)Prior revisions: 1929 § 4772; 1919 § 9960; 1909 § 3158
Division of motor carrier and railroad safety abolished, duties and functions transferred to highways and transportation commission and department of transportation, RSMo 226.008