389.440. 1. Every individual, company or corporationowning, managing or operating, or who may hereafter own, manageor operate any railroad or part of a railroad over bridges orthrough tunnels, as well as elsewhere, in this state, who carrypassengers or whose duty it is to carry livestock as a commoncarrier, are hereby required to furnish to all shippers oflivestock, having a right to accompany the same, a caboose orother suitable car for the transportation of such shipper orshippers to the actual place of unloading such shipments.
2. And said owners or shippers shall be carried andfurnished free transportation to the place of destination andreturn; provided, that only one man or person shall be carriedfree of charge for each consignment or shipment; and be itfurther provided, that all such cabooses or cars on such trainsshall be furnished with a toilet room for the accommodation ofpassengers.
3. Any railroad, corporation or company doing business inthis state refusing or failing to comply with the requirements ofthis section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and uponconviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not less than onehundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars for each day'snegligence or refusing to comply with the requirements of thissection after the enactment and passage of the same as requiredby law, and all moneys arising as such fine shall revert to thepublic school fund of this state.
(RSMo 1939 § 5209)Prior revisions: 1929 § 4751; 1919 § 9938; 1909 § 3135