389.550. All consignments of grain to any elevator or publicwarehouse shall be held to be temporary, and subject to change bythe consignee or consignor, at any time previous to the actualunloading of such property from the cars in which it istransported. Notice of any change in consignment may be servedby the consignee on any agent of the railroad corporation havingthe property in possession, who may be in charge of the businessof such corporation at the point where such property is to bedelivered; and if, after such notice, and while the same remainsuncanceled, such property is delivered in any way different fromsuch altered or changed consignment, such railroad corporationshall, at the election of the consignee or person entitled tocontrol such property, be deemed to have illegally appropriatedsuch property to its own use, and shall be liable to pay theowner or consignee of such property the value of the property,and shall forfeit and pay to the owner or consignee the sum oftwenty-five dollars, to be recovered by civil action before anycourt of competent jurisdiction; and no extra charge shall bepermitted by the corporation having the custody of such propertyin consequence of such change of consignment.
(RSMo 1939 § 5226)Prior revisions: 1929 § 4769; 1919 § 9957; 1909 § 3154