389.570. Every railroad corporation chartered by ororganized under the laws of this state, or doing business withinthe limits of the same, when desired by any person wishing toship any grain over its road, shall receive and transport suchgrain, in bulk or otherwise, within a reasonable time, and loadthe same either upon its track, at its depot, or at any warehouseadjoining its track or sidetrack, without distinction,discrimination or favor between one shipper and another, andwithout distinction or discrimination as to the manner in whichsuch grain is offered to it for transportation, or as to theperson, warehouse or place to whom or to which it may beconsigned; and at all stations where scales are required to bekept, at the time such grain is received by it fortransportation, such corporation shall carefully and correctlyweigh the same, and issue to the shipper thereof a receipt orbill of lading for such grain, in which shall be stated the trueand correct weight, and such corporation shall weigh out anddeliver to such shipper, his consignee or other person entitledto receive the same, at the place of delivery, the full amount ofsuch grain, without any deduction for leakage, shrinkage or otherloss in the quantity of the same, except that one-half of onepercent shall be allowed for leakage, shrinkage or other loss onbulk grain. In default of such delivery, the corporation sofailing to deliver the full amount of such grain shall pay to theperson entitled thereto the full market value of any such grainnot delivered at the time and place when and where the sameshould have been delivered.
(RSMo 1939 § 5228)Prior revisions: 1929 § 4771; 1919 § 9959; 1909 § 3156