389.690. 1. In addition to such penalty herein prescribed,such person, company or corporation shall, by reason of suchfailure to build said section of sewer, be liable in damages toany person whose premises or property is overflowed or otherwisedamaged by reason of such failure, and such persons may recovertheir damages in the circuit court of said county.
2. No notice whatever shall be necessary to enforcecompliance with the provisions of section 389.670, but they shallbe and are hereby made self-enforcing, but any person whoseproperty shall be damaged by an overflow of water thereon byreason of such person, company or corporation's failure to buildsuch sewers may recover double the amount of his damages in anycourt of competent jurisdiction.
(RSMo 1939 §§ 7535, 7536)Prior revisions: 1929 §§ 7381, 7382; 1919 §§ 8789, 8790; 1909 §§ 9645, 9646