389.790. 1. All companies or corporations, lessees or otherpersons owning or operating any railroad or part of railroad inthis state, are hereby required, on or before the first day ofSeptember, 1907, to adopt, put in use and maintain the best knownappliances or inventions to fill or block all switches, frogs andguard rails on their roads, in all yards, divisional and terminalstations, and where trains are made up, to prevent, as far aspossible, the feet of employees or other persons from beingcaught therein.
2. Any company or corporation, lessee or other person,owning or operating any railroad, or part of a railroad, in thisstate, who shall fail to do any act or thing in this sectionrequired to be done, or shall cause any act or thing not to bedone, or shall aid or abet any such omission, shall be deemedguilty of a violation of this law, and shall forfeit and pay thesum of ten dollars for every such offense, and each day shallconstitute a separate and distinct offense. At every term of acourt of record of this state having criminal jurisdiction, thejudge thereof shall direct and charge grand juries to makespecial inquiry as to violation of this section.
(RSMo 1939 § 5233)Prior revisions: 1929 § 4776; 1919 § 9964; 1909 § 3163